
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen


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Dear Bjerke-Petersen,

Forgive me for not writing sooner to explain to you about the two Danish artists, Richard Mortensen and Eilen Bille.

The leader of the group which call themselves "Linien" (?) wrote shortly before the exhibition to Herbert Read, saying that they were surrealists and thought they should be represented, etc. On the first day of the hanging of the exhibition, some of their paintings arrived, and were, of course, immediately rejected. They were paintings which seemed to have no connection whatever with the surrealist movement, and in any case, we had no room for them.

I regret that these two artists should have announced in the Danish press that they were

[side 2]

taking part in the exhibition. Owing to the [ord overstreget] circumstances which you describe in your letter, it is perhaps necessary publicly to contradict this statement.

It is not true to say that our committee sent an invitation to these painters. We knew nothing about them until we received their letter and their paintings.

  • The exhibition is creating an enormous sensation and controversy here and, although it has so far been open to the public for only two days, has already been attended by some thousands of visitors. In every way the exhibition is a great success. - In about a fortnight's time we shall be sending out an International surrealist [ord overstreget] bulletin containing an account of it. I will see to it that you receive a copy.

Yours ever,

David Gascoyne.





Brevhoved med trykt skrift:

International surrealist exhibition
New Burlington Galleries Burlington Gardens London W1

Chairman Rupert Lee : Secretary Diana Brinton Lee
7 St. Quintin Avenue London W10 Telephoner Park 7114

NKS 2578 folio. Det Kongelige Bibliotek.