Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen
Rose Fried
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen
Document content
Awaiting summary
June 23, 1949
Dear Petersen:
This is just a preliminary report on your exhibition. It has been nicely received by the press and I am compiling the reviews and sending them to you when they are all out.
Attendance has been slow, but I think it has been altogether worthwhile to put on this exhibition in spite of heat and many people being out of town. The show looks very well on the walls and the reactions from painters is good. They all consider you a mature aritst with something personal to say. And that is about as much as you can hope for from your first exhibition here.
Enclosed herewith a letter which has just come from Professor Piper. I am sending him photographs from among those I have here. You may have others which you care to send. Professor Piper is very well known and has been working on this material for several years. Perhaps you should write him a letter giving such information as might be of interest to him other than what is in the catalogue already.
I close in another few days for the summer but before doing so will send you items from the press. In fact I am enclosing the article from the New York Times, which, as you can see, covers good space and isn't "empty" as sometimes the reviews are. I honestly believe that putting on the exhibit this late is responsible for the length of this review.
I hope this finds you well and happy. Best regards,
Rose Fried