
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen



Alfred H. Barr


Udstillingen "Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism" på The Museum of Modern Art i New York fra d. 7. december 1936 - d. 17. januar 1937.


Fantastic Art
[I en cirkel] Petersen

August 21, 1936

Vilh. Bjerke-Petersen
Højbroplads 15
Copenhagen, Denmark

Dear Sir:

I was much interested in seeing so many Scandinavian paintings in the London Surrealist exhibition. At the exhibition I bought a copy of "1936, The Art of the Surrealists in Denmark and Sweden" which, I believe, is edited by you.

I write to ask whether it would be possible to secure photographs of some of the paintings reproduced in this brochure. We should like especially to have photographs of the following works for our Museum archives:

Sven Jonson Dark Silence
" " The Morning of the Plain
Wald. Lorentzon A Spiritual Event
" " Cosmic Mother
Vilh. Bjerke-Petersen Hallucination
" " " Worshiped Exhibitionism
" " " Principal Actress at X Theater
Stellan Mörner Lady Macbeth
" " Solitude
Harry Carlsson Unstable Phlegm
" " The Poodle's Real Core
Axel Olson Anchoring in Reality
Freddie The Artist's Portrait
" Emmy Hirsch in memoriam
" Solomonic Inspiration
Erick Olson The Day Through the Night
" " The Outer Reef
" " Dialogue in the Night
Rita Kernn-Larsen Escape
Esaias Thorén The Searcher
" " Beach Fantasy

[Side 2]

Vilh. Bjerke-Petersen
August 21, 1936
Page 2

I would like to ask, too, whether Eiler Bille has done paintings.

Our Museum is arranging an exhibition of Fantastic Art for the fall in which many of the Surrealist artists will be included. We are limited in funds and space so that instead of asking for one or two paintings from Scandinavia, I should like to show a group of photographs. It would give a more comprehensive idea of the Surrealist movement in Scandanavian countries.

Very sincerely yours,





De danske og svenske surrealister deltog med fotografier af deres værker på udstillingen "Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism", som blev vist på The Museum of Modern Art i New York fra d. 7. december 1936 - d. 17. januar 1937.


Betegnet på brevet f.o.:

Vilh. Bjerke-Petersen
Højbroplads 15
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Museum of Modern Art Archives, NY. Collection: MoMA Exhs.. Series.Folder: 55.7.