Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen
David Gascoyne
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen
Tekster til tidsskriftet "konkretion"; David Gascoynes bog "The Putrefaction of Reality".
21 Grove Terrace,
Dear Bjerke-Petersen,
I am so sorry to have been so long sending you the enclosed article; I hope it will not reach you too late for inclusion in the next number of [ord overstreget] Konkretion [understreget]. - As Read, Grigson and Porteus have probably already written for you about all the artists worth writing about, I am sending you a study of the general intellectual atmosphere of contemporary England, an adaptation of part of a book I am at present engaged in writing, "The Putrefaction of Reality." I hope this will not be too long for you.
Very many thanks for sending the first two numbers of your paper. May I congratulate you on it? Although I unfortunately cannot read Danish, it seems to be a most admirable review, and should have far-reaching effects on intellectual life in Denmark, by internationalising the most vital ideas of our time.
[side 2]
I should like to say how much I enjoyed reading your most moving declaration in the recent number of "Cahiers d'Art".
With all best wishes for the success of Konkretion [understreget].
Yours sincerely,
David Gascoyne.
P.S. It may perhaps interest you to know that my book called "A Short Survey of Surrealism" is to be published on November the 11th next.
David Gascoyne bidrager med to tekster til tidsskriftet "konkretion", nr. 3, november 1935. Nummeret indeholder følgende tekster: Herbert Read: "den moderne bevægelse i england"; Hugh Gordon Porteus: "engelsk overblik"; Herbert Read: "ben nicholson"; Geoffrey Grigson: "hyldest til henry moore"; David Gascoyne: "engelsk aandsliv"; David Gascoyne: "surrealismens første engelske manifest".
Brevet henviser til Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersens tekst "Pourquoi je suis surréaliste" i tidsskriftet Cahiers d'Art, 5-6, 1935.
Betegnet på brevet f.o.:
21 Grove Terrace,
NKS 2578 folio. Det Kongelige Bibliotek.