
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen



Tidsskriftet "konkretion"; Hugh Gordon Porteus fremsender sin artikel om engelsk abstrakt kunst og medfølgende illustrationer til tryk i tidsskriftet "konkretion".


146 Warwick Street, London S.W.1, ENGLAND.

27 October 1935.

Dear Mr. Bjerke-Peterson,

I enclose an article on English abstract painting, about 2000 words in length; and a number of photographs, some or all of which, I hope, you may find in illustrating the survey.

Note on the Illustrations: [fire ord understreget]

I should like at least one of the Wyndham Lewis photographs to be reproduced at full-page-size. And I should like at least one of the four Henry Moore drawings to be reproduced,- if possible the whole strip. The other photographs I leave entirely to your judgement, to be reproduced as you think fit and according to the space at your disposal. No fees or permission are required for these photographs, but I should appreciate their early return at your convenience.

[side 2]


NOTE ON THE AUTHOR. [fire ord understreget]

Born 1906. Studied painting for 7 years. Author of a book on Wyndham Lewis navnet understreget and a book on Chinese Art to ord understreget
Contributor to AXIS, The BURLINGTON MAGAZINE, the CRITERION [tre titler understreget], etc.; Art Critic to the New English Weekly [titlen understreget].

I think you may be interested to have this information; but there is no need to use it, unless you desire to, in Konkretion.

I enclose also two of my own smaller works: a pen drawing and an etching. If you would care to reproduce these in KONKRETION I shall be delighted to see them reproduced.

I send this tonight by aero-post, in the hope that it will reach you tomorrow. Please accept apologies for my haste: I have been very busy finishing a new book.

Yours very sincerely, Hugh Gordon Porteus.




I tidsskriftet "konkretion", nr. 3, november 1935, er Hugh Gordon Porteus' artikel "Engelsk overblik" trykt, ligesom tidsskriftets nummer har illustrationer af Wyndham Lewis, Henry Moore og Hugh Gordon Porteus.


Betegnet på brevet f.o.:

146 Warwick Street, London S.W.1, ENGLAND.

Wyndham Lewis
Henry Moore

NKS 2578 folio. Det Kongelige Bibliotek.