
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen


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146 Warwick Street, London S.W.1, ENGLAND.

27 October 1935.

Dear Mr. Bjerke-Peterson,

I enclose an article on English abstract painting, about 2000 words in length; and a number of photographs, some or all of which, I hope, you may find in illustrating the survey.

Note on the Illustrations: [fire ord understreget]

I should like at least one of the Wyndham Lewis photographs to be reproduced at full-page-size. And I should like at least one of the four Henry Moore drawings to be reproduced,- if possible the whole strip. The other photographs I leave entirely to your judgement, to be reproduced as you think fit and according to the space at your disposal. No fees or permission are required for these photographs, but I should appreciate their early return at your convenience.

[side 2]


NOTE ON THE AUTHOR. [fire ord understreget]

Born 1906. Studied painting for 7 years. Author of a book on Wyndham Lewis navnet understreget and a book on Chinese Art to ord understreget
Contributor to AXIS, The BURLINGTON MAGAZINE, the CRITERION [tre titler understreget], etc.; Art Critic to the New English Weekly [titlen understreget].

I think you may be interested to have this information; but there is no need to use it, unless you desire to, in Konkretion.

I enclose also two of my own smaller works: a pen drawing and an etching. If you would care to reproduce these in KONKRETION I shall be delighted to see them reproduced.

I send this tonight by aero-post, in the hope that it will reach you tomorrow. Please accept apologies for my haste: I have been very busy finishing a new book.

Yours very sincerely, Hugh Gordon Porteus.





Betegnet på brevet f.o.:

146 Warwick Street, London S.W.1, ENGLAND.

Wyndham Lewis
Henry Moore

NKS 2578 folio. Det Kongelige Bibliotek.