
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen

Januar-februar 1947


Alfred H. Barr

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835 East Walnut St.
Long Beach, L. I.

Dear Mr. Barr,

Many thanks for your letter of Jan. 13 about my film idea.

I don’t know whether you or the Film Library are still working with the matter, but if you have finished the inspection and could now give me some advice, I would be glad to get the sketch back.

I will take this occasion to inform you that I have just opened a School of Fine Arts, where I will continue the ideas from the teaching of Kandinsky and Klee in Bauhaus, of course with attention to the new realities in art.

Sincerely yours

Vilh. Bjerke Petersen.

Alfred H. Barr
The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53rd Street
New York 19. N.Y.

[Vedlagt en brochure fra:
V. B. Petersen
School of Fine Arts]




Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersens brev er skrevet efter modtagelsen af brevet fra Alfred H. Barr, dateret d. 13. januar 1947, og før modtagelsen af brevet fra Alfred H. Barr, dateret 25. februar 1947.

New York

Betegnet på brevet f.o.:

835 East Walnut St.
Long Beach, L. I.

New York

Betegnet på brevet f.n.:

Alfred H. Barr
The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53rd Street
New York 19. N.Y.

Wassily Kandinsky
Paul Klee

The Museum of Modern Art Archives, NY. File I.A.149 "Correspondence B".