
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen



David Gascoyne


Udstillingen "International surrealist exhibition", New Burlington Galleries, London, 1936; Wilhelm Freddies og Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersens værker beslaglægges som "uanstændige" af de engelske toldmyndigheder.


21, Grove Terrace,


Dear Bjerke-Petersen,

I'm so sorry not to have written to you earlier, but this last week has been extremely hectic and I've hardly had a spare moment.

I do not know whether you have already heard that two of the consignment of paintings that you sent have been seized by the English customs for alleged "indecency". I really should have written to warn you that this might happen, owing to the frightful puritanism of our public morals and the disgusting minds of our officials. - We were warned at first that the whole consignment was liable to be burnt, but our agents having made effective intervention, it is now likely that the offending works (your own "Worshipped Exhibitionism", and the painting by Freddie) will be sent back to Copenhagen, and that we shall be able to exhibit the remaining four pictures. Before this can happen, it is necessary for us to have the bill of lading tre ord understreget, concerning

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which Roland Penrose sent you a telegram, and which is now on its way, I [ord overstreget] expect.

Many thanks for the drawings, which we received safely, and which are now being framed. (I'm afraid we shall only be able to exhibit two of the Freddie drawings, for the same reasons as above). Thanks also for "The Art of the Surrealists in Denmark and Sweden", which is splendid. It is most enterprising of you to have published this and the committee will be delighted to distribute 100 copies. Will you please send them to Roland Penrose's address? There is to be a bookstall at the exhibition, for the sale of surrealist publications, in the hands of A. Zwemmer, the continental booksellers. I have spoken to the manager about your publication, and he asks me to ask you to send him [ord overstreget] 100 copies for sale (to begin with). His address is:

A. Zwemmer, bookseller,
76-78, Charing Cross Road,
London, W. C. Z.

You might also send him a few copies of your other publications, particularly the "unge skandinaviske kunstnere" pamphlets.

Unfortunately, Grigson had sent the poems of Gustaf Munch-Petersen back to you before I could see them. We have decided to print

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"The Portrait" by Edit Södergran in the surrealist number of "Contemporary Poetry and Prose", however, and perhaps we shall be able to print the other two poems later.

The final arrangements for the exhibition are [ord overstreget] occupying all our time now. I think it is going to be a [ord overstreget] splendid and most successful show. I wish you and your friends were coming to London next month. Is it not possible?

With all best wishes and many thanks for your most helpful collaboration,

Yours ever,

David Gascoyne.

Omtalte genstande

Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersens maleri "Worshipped Exhibitionism".




Ifølge David Gascoynes brev beslaglægges Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersens og Wilhelm Freddies malerier for "indecency" (uanstændighed). Gascoyne skriver videre: "I'm affraid we shall only be able to exhibit two of the Freddie drawings, for the same reasons as above".

Sætningen kan forstås på flere måder: At det kun er to ud af Wilhelm Freddies fremsendte tegninger, som kan vises på udstillingen på grund af uanstændighed, eller at det kun i alt er to tegninger af Wilhelm Freddie og ingen af Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen, som kan vises på udstillingen på grund af uanstændighed.

Jf. for eksempel Weilbachs Kunstnerleksion og udstillingskataloget "Vilhelm Bjerke Petersen" (2006) fra den retrospektive udstilling på Silkeborg Kunstmuseum (Museum Jorn) i 2006 deltog Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen i udstillingen "International surrealist exhibition" i New Burlington Galleries i London i 1936.

I det ledsagende katalog til "International surrealist exhibition" i New Burlington Galleries i London i 1936 er Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen anført som arrangør for Skandinavien. I katalogets værklist er Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen ikke anført som deltager med værker, mens Wilhelm Freddie er anført som deltager med to værker (to tegninger).

Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersens maleri "Worshipped Exhibitionism", som beslaglægges af de engelske toldmyndigheder, er afbildet i udgivelsen "The art of the Surrealists in Denmark and Sweden. L'Art des Surréalistes en Danemark et en Suède. Surrealistisk Kunst i Danmark og Sverige" (Fischers Forlag, 1936), som blev fremstillet specielt til udstillingen "International Surrealist Exhibition" i New Burlington Galleries i London i 1936.


Betegnet på brevet f.o.:

21, Grove Terrace,

NKS 2578 folio. Det Kongelige Bibliotek.