Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen's international correspondance
Thank you
The following people and institutions are thanked for their great help in obtaining and searching for archive material: Alice Tompkins and Chuck Tompkins; Julie Griffiths; Viveka Bosson; Nils-Axel Mörner; José Vovelle; Jan Torsten Ahlstrand; Mariano Llinás; Hervé Graumann; Tobias Winther; Kent Belenius; Laurids Möhl Schack; Paul Callahan; Gitte Tandrup; Elsebeth Welander-Berggren.
Simona Martinoli, Fondazione Marguerite Arp, Locarno; Jana Teuscher, Arp Stiftung, Berlin; Sebastien Tardy, Fondation Arp, Clamart; Camille Morando, Centre Pompidou; Macha Daniel, Anne Lemonnier, and Tadeo Kohan, Cabinet d'Art Graphique, Centre Pompidou; Isabel Schulz, Kurt und Ernst Schwitters Stiftung; Jürgen Pech, Max Ernst Museum; Jacob Thage, Lucas Haberkorn and Astrid Lykke Birkving, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg; Christina Eliopoulos, MoMA Archives; Marie Kakinuma, Zentrum Paul Klee; Constance Krebs, Atelier Breton; Bea Crespo, Dali Foundation; Elena Escolar, Fundació Joan Miro, Barcelona; Arrran Milne, Successío Miró; Isidro Hernandéz Guttiérez, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes; Roman Zieglgänsberger, Museum Wiesbaden; The Royal Library in Copenhagen; Jenny Bonnevier and Robert Bengtsson, Lund University Library; Karin Sterky, The Royal Library in Stockholm; Pedro Westerdahl, Bukowskis; Charles Stuckey, Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation; Tali Hahn, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; Grazina Subelyte and Philip Rylands, The Peggy Guggenheim Collection; Erika Danker, Mjellby Art Museum; Annie Lindberg, Skissernas Museum, Lund; Paul Cougnard, Bibliothèque litteraire Jacques Doucet; Sylvie Gonzalez, Musée d'art et d'histoire de Saint Denis; Sophie Orpen, Henry Moore Foundation; Zoe Stansell, British Library; Sara Powell, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University; Rebecca Bowd, Special Collections and Galleries, Leeds University Library; Kjersti Solbakken, Kunstnerforbundet Oslo; Thierry Pautot, Fondation Giacometti; Donna Gustafson, The Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Jersey; Anna Schram Vejlby, The Hirschsprung Collection, Copenhagen; Annie Lave Nielsen, Henry Heerup Museum; Teresa Østergaard Nielsen and Anders Gaardboe Jensen, Holstebro Art Museum.
to Thorvaldsens Museum and the company Oncotype
In 2014, Thorvaldsens Museum was kind enough to allow the New Carlsberg Foundation to use the template from their large digital letter archive, called the Archive. We are very grateful to Thorvaldsens Museum for making available the database template, which they have spent a lot of time and resources developing.
Project manager Ernst Jonas Bencard is also thanked for his willingness to share his experience and extensive knowledge in the field.
The company Oncotype has, together with Thorvaldsens Museum, developed the basic structure of the database and should be thanked for this. Oncotype has also been responsible for customising the database to the needs of the New Carlsberg Foundation. Special thanks to programmer and interaction designer Mattias Bodlund, who with great patience, commitment and indispensable technical support has met all our wishes in the daily work with the database.